Hola! =) I've been busy and will usually be quite busy with school so I will be blogging every now and then when I actually have free time lol. Blogging will be my relaxation! So what's new...hmmm well the weather has been like a roller coaster ride; warm & sunny one day then another day just foggy & raining. It's weird, but what to expect right? The weather in the bay area is unpredictable. But what can I say, I love the weather here because most of the time it's cold, meaning layers and more layers. =]
So Wednesday [on Oct. 29th], it was a gorgeous sunny day. It was also my grandma's birthday which made the day more of a reason to celebrate.
So my mom took this picture. As you can see the splendid weather I mentioned that day. The cloud's arrays were beautiful wasn't it? Btw, haha do not mind my poses, I'm camera shy, so this blogging will help me get use to it. Now why was I looking up? Haha well I guess I was reflecting on God's goodness, not just for another day but for blessing my grandma with another year. But God is good, all the time!
So we went to the Farmer's Market near school and wanted to show you guys the boots. But unfortunately, mumsie missed it Lol. Oh yea, let me add, I was not dressed for the weather =X so boy was I HOT & sweaty (eww right).

After Farmer's Market, we headed to eat out in celebration for my grandma's birthday. I seen these beautiful paintings behind me and I wanted my mom to take a pic, but sadly you can only see a glimpse of it =(. Maybe next time since we're usually in that area. So chyea my pose looks a bit awkard here don't you think lol. Look at the fist!? Yikes. So here's my boring outfit that day. Most of the time however, you will most likely see me wearing boots since I LOVE LOVE LOVE boots and can never have enough of them and might I add scarves as well. So you can pretty much predict what my accessories will be =). Well that's my blog for the night folks. Sorry if I bored ya!
Yea another post!
haha aww sis, your posing is fine! it looks better than my wacky hippie poses. Lol.
And we have the same payless boots. And Yes im boot crazy...but i bought some many boots, I had to stop myself..but now I'm starting to buy platform pumps. Yikes. Haha 9 more minutes til November! Then its our vintage shopping. Haha :)
Oh this 2nd pic is just too cute. Love your dress and the boots.
Great bag and I love the slouchy boots. :)
♥/ fashion chalet
are you using blogger's upload form? if you are, that's probably why they're small. i actually use photobucket to upload my pics, copy and paste the HTML code into the text box, switch to the edit HTML tab (assuming you're already on the compose tab) then switch back to the compose tab and your picture should show up.
also, the size of your pictures depends most of the time on the megapixels of your camera. mine is 10.1 and even at that i still have to resize most of my pictures because they're HECKKKAAA humungous.
hope that helped =]
& thanks for stopping by again!
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