So as usual SUNDAYS are laundry days. How sad right? Haha well it's practically the only decent day to do it with no rushing and no worries about other appointments and so forth. It was also church day but unfortunately I was not able to attend due to over sleeping =(.

I've been feeling bummy all week so my outfits have been a bit boring. I guess it's the weather too. It's been raining & gloomy like. However, I usually almost always wear black and/or blue anyways :-). But coincidently in the last 2 blogs I've been wearing black tights and a blue top Lol. Hey, well at least it's different tops right haha and different tights of course, otherwise that would be eww. You can't go wrong with many tights right!?

In the 1st picture, once again the "fist" pose lol, I guess "bad habits die hard" folks. In the 2nd pose, I felt like being silly, so my mom told me to raise my hands up high and what a cowinky dinky LOOK at the police car behind me with flashing lights too LOL!

I was walking while my mom took this 4th pic which appears VERY DARK. As you can see you can barely see my face haha. At least you can see a bit of my smile :-). Btw once again, I'm new to blogging, so please feel free to give suggestions. I need all the help I can get. Tips would be helpful.

And last but not least folks...introducing mi mama :-)
Isn't she cute? I LOVE HER. I get many laughs being with her always.
Again world, thanks for dropping in to my page. I will be posting up another blog in a bit from dinner I had with close friends of mines from Saturday. I just need the pictures! Well 'til then. Tata!
-=My outfit from head to toe=-
1. Navy Blue Sweater Dress w/ Mid scrunch-[Old Navy $5]
2. Black Furry Hooded Sweater-[Roxy-$18]
3. Black Tights-[H&M $6]
4. Black Suede boots-[Ross $9]

Brand: Steve Madden

I was walking while my mom took this 4th pic which appears VERY DARK. As you can see you can barely see my face haha. At least you can see a bit of my smile :-). Btw once again, I'm new to blogging, so please feel free to give suggestions. I need all the help I can get. Tips would be helpful.

And last but not least folks...introducing mi mama :-)
Isn't she cute? I LOVE HER. I get many laughs being with her always.
Again world, thanks for dropping in to my page. I will be posting up another blog in a bit from dinner I had with close friends of mines from Saturday. I just need the pictures! Well 'til then. Tata!
-=My outfit from head to toe=-
1. Navy Blue Sweater Dress w/ Mid scrunch-[Old Navy $5]
2. Black Furry Hooded Sweater-[Roxy-$18]
3. Black Tights-[H&M $6]
4. Black Suede boots-[Ross $9]
Brand: Steve Madden
Note: I haven't had much experience Thrift Shopping yet since I don't know any good thrift stores in my area =(. I've tried before but haven't had any luck so far. I am planning on going with my fashion soul sista this month, so we'll share our goodies with you then. If you happen to live around SF, please be kind to share some stores with me? For now, the closest thrift I got is, as you can see: ROSS :-d hehe.
thank you so much for considering my thoughts! i very much appreciate it along with the advice you gave me. & i'll be sure to read that chapter. =]
oh and your outfit looks so cozy! and your mom looks fun =]]]
i LOOOVE your use of dark colors & fabrics
great blog
(you have amazing skin, btw!)
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