Hello world :)
Okie dokie so here are pictures of my family's dinner back at Cheesecake Factory! Haha. The food photos I took on my previous dinner appealed to my my mom so much she wanted to try it out! It was also her birthday celebration, so glory to God for another blessed year for her. So it was a cold night (as usual) in frisco so I wanted to be girly but definitely warm at the same time.

This is mi mama y papa :). Aren't they adorable. I ♥ em sooo much. Do you see my mom's booties? I have the EXACT same kind lol. We can't share cuz her feet is bigger haha

This is my one & only brother whom I also ♥ soooo much. Isn't he good looking haha. He is super talented with music. He can play most instruments but he's best at drumming.

I had to take a pic with my mom of course which didn't turn out so well, haha thanks to my brother's poor photography skills :-p

A view in SF while walking to the restaurant.

I took this random picture b/c I thought it was cool. This lead to mini stairs that had a grass on every other step.

This is a view from the restaurant. I love the lights.

Just a few pics when we got our food. Sorry I didn't take food pictures this time :(.

This is my brother revealing he was double jointed. What's weird is that he can't do it to his other hand. Eeeks right!

Ok that's my blog for today. God bless folks. In case I don't blog this week again, have a greeeat fabulous week!
Okie dokie so here are pictures of my family's dinner back at Cheesecake Factory! Haha. The food photos I took on my previous dinner appealed to my my mom so much she wanted to try it out! It was also her birthday celebration, so glory to God for another blessed year for her. So it was a cold night (as usual) in frisco so I wanted to be girly but definitely warm at the same time.

This is mi mama y papa :). Aren't they adorable. I ♥ em sooo much. Do you see my mom's booties? I have the EXACT same kind lol. We can't share cuz her feet is bigger haha

This is my one & only brother whom I also ♥ soooo much. Isn't he good looking haha. He is super talented with music. He can play most instruments but he's best at drumming.

I had to take a pic with my mom of course which didn't turn out so well, haha thanks to my brother's poor photography skills :-p

A view in SF while walking to the restaurant.

I took this random picture b/c I thought it was cool. This lead to mini stairs that had a grass on every other step.

This is a view from the restaurant. I love the lights.

Just a few pics when we got our food. Sorry I didn't take food pictures this time :(.

This is my brother revealing he was double jointed. What's weird is that he can't do it to his other hand. Eeeks right!

Ok that's my blog for today. God bless folks. In case I don't blog this week again, have a greeeat fabulous week!
I love your blouse!! Looks like you and your family had a grand time!!
Wow your mom looks like she could be your sister. BTW I love your outfit and make-up, are you a professional make-up artist?
Hey sis im back!
your blog is becoming alive lol!
And your make up skills are fabularr than mine. haha. Im going to tag you on my next blog cool??
hope all is well :) kit FSS ♥
p.s. isn't it funny how the word verification for this comment is "bless" haha
ahh i love family shots! and your brother is FINE! haha. anyway your outfit is freakin' adorable. i love the sheer top with the colored tights. and your make-up and hair is beautiful.
What a cute, stylish family :)
i love seeing family photos :)
love the outfit and your tights are great
where are youuuu? haha.
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