So I will be back in school once again =] but I can't complain right? Each day is a blessing along with whatever comes in the way. So I've been lagging but here's a scoop on my hair...not much of a "dramatic" change lol but a change for the new sem...

I purposely changed the color setting for this one just so you could see more of the details. Excuse the messy things you see :P lol. I know it makes me look chunky (O'_'O)

top-charlotte russe [given as a gift], shorts-Lerner's NY-$6, camel boots-Old Navy, Tights-Banana Republic $7
I will keep posting this week. I promise to get in touch with ur blogs soon. Hopefully I don't keep anyone waiting too long.
God bless.
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."-Psalm 118:24